Thursday 26 May 2011

BBC News - Leeds MP Greg Mulholland calls for Carlsberg boycott

26 May 2011 Last updated at 11:07

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Leeds MP Greg Mulholland calls for Carlsberg boycott

Tetley's Brewery in Leeds Carlsberg is to close the Tetley's brewery in Leeds after 189 years of brewing in the city

An MP has called for a boycott of beer produced by Carlsberg because the firm is closing the historic Tetley brewing plant in Leeds.

Greg Mulholland, the Liberal Democrat MP for North West Leeds, has tabled an Early Day Motion in the House claiming the move is a betrayal of the city.

Tetley's Brewery, at Brewery Wharfe, which has been producing beer for 189 years, is due to close on 17 June with the loss of 140 jobs.

Carlsberg was unavailable for comment.

Mr Mulholland said pubs, bars and clubs in the city should "de-list" Carlsberg brands and support local breweries instead.

In the motion put before Parliament Mr Mulholland said all the people of Leeds, and beer-lovers in general, "should express their anger at the decision".

The motion reads: "That this House condemns the closure of the Tetley's Brewery which will take place on 17 June 2011, a decision taken by Carlsberg UK which will end the brewery's 189-year history and longstanding affiliation with Leeds by signalling the end of Tetley's as a Leeds beer."

The motion goes on to describe the decision as a "betrayal of Leeds and the Tetley's brand" which shows that "Carlsberg UK is not committed either to Tetley's nor to Leeds".

It also expresses sympathy to those people losing their jobs as a result of the closure.

Shame--part of Leeds,really!Dad worked there after the war.

Posted via email from dannymaher's posterous

Tuesday 24 May 2011

U.S. Judgment Day forecaster sets new doomsday date | Reuters

U.S. Judgment Day forecaster sets new doomsday date

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    Harold Camping, 89, the California evangelical broadcaster who predicts that Judgment Day will come on May 21, 2011, is seen in this still image from video during an interview at Family Stations Inc. offices in Oakland, California May 16, 2011. REUTERS/Reuters Television

    By Steve Gorman

    LOS ANGELES | Tue May 24, 2011 5:14am BST


    (Reuters) - The evangelical Christian broadcaster whose much-ballyhooed Judgement Day prophecy went conspicuously unfulfilled on Saturday has a simple explanation for what went wrong -- he miscalculated.

    Instead of the world physically coming to an end on May 21 with a great, cataclysmic earthquake, as he had predicted, Harold Camping, 89, said he now believes his forecast is playing out "spiritually," with the actual apocalypse set to occur five months later, on October 21.

    Camping, who launched a doomsday countdown in which some followers spent their life's savings in anticipation of being swept into heaven, issued his correction during an appearance on his "Open Forum" radio show from Oakland, California.

    The headquarters of Camping's Family Radio network of 66 U.S. stations had been shuttered over the weekend with a sign on the door that read, "This Office is Closed. Sorry we missed you!"

    During a sometimes rambling, 90-minute discourse that included a question-and-answer session with reporters, Camping said he felt bad that Saturday had come and gone without the Rapture he had felt so certain would take place.

    Reflecting on scripture afterward, Camping said it "dawned" on him that a "merciful and compassionate God" would spare humanity from "hell on Earth for five months" by compressing the physical apocalypse into a shorter time frame.

    But he insisted that October 21 has always been the end-point of his own End Times chronology, or at least, his latest chronology.

    The tall, gaunt former civil engineer with a deep voice and prominent ears has been wrong before. More than two decades ago, he publicly acknowledged a failed 1994 prophecy of Christ's return to Earth.

    To publicize his latest pronouncement, the Family Radio network posted over 2,000 billboards around the country declaring that Judgement Day was at hand, and believers carried the message on placards in shopping malls and street corners.

    Asked what advice he would give to followers who gave up much or all of their worldly possessions in the belief that his Judgement Day forecast would come true, Camping drew a comparison to the nation's recent economic slump.

    "We just had a great recession. There's lots of people who lost their jobs, lots of people who lost their houses ... and somehow they all survived," he said.

    "People cope, he added. "We're not in the business of giving any financial advice. We're in the business of telling people maybe there is someone you can talk to, and that's God."

    (Editing by Greg McCune)

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    Aah--that's it then!

    Posted via email from dannymaher's posterous

    Thursday 19 May 2011

    BBC News - Kingfisher family seen learning to fish near Castleford

    19 May 2011 Last updated at 18:22

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    Kingfisher family seen learning to fish near Castleford

    Four kingfisher's at RSPB Fairburn Ings The family of kingfishers were seen teaching their young how to fish near Castleford

    A family of kingfishers have been seen seen teaching their young how to fish at an RSPB site in West Yorkshire.

    The three young Kingfishers and their parents were seen at RSPB Fairburn Ings, Castleford.

    The RSPB said it was "great" to see the family as there had been concerns that they did not have enough food to survive the harsh winter.

    Kingfishers are usually seen flying low over slow moving or still water and diving for fish.

    Laura Bentley, from RSPB Fairburn Ings said: "In the cold harsh winter our lakes and ponds were frozen solid for months so we were very worried for our kingfishers not being able to get enough food.

    "Most people would be lucky to see one Kingfisher in their lifetime, let alone five all together.

    "But seeing a whole, healthy looking family is a great sign."

    Local wildlife come good!

    Posted via email from dannymaher's posterous

    Thursday 5 May 2011

    BBC News - Airbus crash: France raises first body from seabed

    5 May 2011 Last updated at 12:20

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    Airbus crash: France raises first body from seabed

    The machine that records cockpit conversation lying at the bottom of the sea The cockpit voice recorder was found earlier this week by crash investigators

    A French team has recovered the first body from the seabed debris of the Air France jet that crashed into the Atlantic in 2009, killing 228 people.

    The body was brought to the surface by mini-submarines from a depth of almost 4km (2.4 miles).

    Samples are being sent to labs in France for DNA identification. Police are not sure whether all the bodies can be raised from the wreckage.

    Data on the recovered flight recorders may indicate the cause of the crash.

    The Air France Airbus A330 was flying from Rio de Janeiro to Paris when it plunged into the sea.

    Flight AF 447 was carrying 228 people. Fifty-one bodies were found floating on the surface in 2009.

    The French team is using deep-sea robots in the salvage operation.

    The body brought up to a ship on Thursday consisted of skeletal remains, still strapped to a seat.

    Relatives of the crash victims are divided over whether to move the bodies at all, with some arguing for repatriation and others saying the crash site should be the final resting place.

    Amazing feat!

    Posted via email from dannymaher's posterous