Friday 30 September 2011

Great stuff--Rhinos are in the FINAL!

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Daily Mail backs ‘insufferably smug’ Guardian in sources battle with the Met | The Wire | Press Gazette

In today’s leader the Daily Mail wrote:

It is not often that this paper defends the Guardian, whose politically correct, bien-pensant views seem increasingly detached from both the real world and the concerns of ordinary Britons.

But when police invoke the Official Secrets Act to try to force one of its reporters, Amelia Hill, to reveal her sources, everybody who cherishes the freedom of the Press and the vital role of the fourth estate in a healthy democracy should be deeply alarmed.

Wonders NEVER cease!

Posted via email from dannymaher's posterous

Sunday 18 September 2011

BBC News - Leeds City Varieties reopens with gala performance

18 September 2011 Last updated at 12:39

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Leeds City Varieties reopens with gala performance

Leeds City Varieties The £9.9m refurbishment has been carried out to replicate the 1890s style

A Grade II*-listed Victorian music hall in West Yorkshire is to reopen with a gala performance after a £9.9m refurbishment.

Renovation on the City Varieties in Leeds began in 2009 and was carried out in the style of the 1890s.

The fundraising performance on Sunday evening will feature comedian Ken Dodd.

The Varieties theatre was the home of The Good Old Days, the BBC's long-running TV variety show for over 30 years.

Once there were more than 300 such theatres nationwide but few now remain in working existence.

The work has been part-funded by Leeds City Council and the Heritage Lottery Fund, with donations from the Friends of City Varieties and The Monument Trust.

Harry Houdini

A donation was made by the family of the late Jimi Heselden, who made his fortune with his Leeds-based firm Hesco Bastion.

The auditorium will be named after Mr Heselden who died in September 2010 after an accident on a Segway near his home at Boston Spa.

Facilities for audiences and performers have been improved with new seats, a glass lift and technical equipment installed.

Charles Thornton opened his New Music Hall and Fashionable Lounge in 1865 above a public house in a Leeds side street.

The City Varieties - as it later became known - has survived virtually unchanged.

Its stage has hosted Charlie Chaplin, Harry Houdini, Lillie Langtry, Mickey Rooney, Frankie Vaughan and Barry Cryer.

It was in 1953 that the Varieties became the home of The Good Old Days.


Posted via email from dannymaher's posterous

Saturday 17 September 2011

Facebook Music Platform Plan Should Surface Next Week - Forbes

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Here comes music

Facebook is expected to announce the launch of its much-hyped music service in f8, its annual developers’ conference, on September 22. [1]

The social networking giant is expected to partner with digital music providers Spotify, MOG and Rdio in this initiative. After having success with online games such as Mafia Wars and Farmville, Facebook’s digital music service suggests that the company is steadily moving in the digital content space, giving struggling competitors such as Yahoo and AOL even bigger reasons for worry.

We currently value Facebook at around $45 billion.

Facebook Music: What’s In Store For Users?

Similar to its applications and games, Facebook does not intend to become a hosting site for digital music. Instead, the company would be acting as a platform for providing digital music content from providers such as Spotify that already have their music licensing in place. It’s a win-win situation as Facebook’s partners get the advantage of Facebook’s immense reach of +750 million users while Facebook gets additional time spent on its website.

While it might be too early to say that this launch will revolutionize digital music, online music providers such as Spotify and Rdio are bound to benefit from Facebook’s key networking features such as the “Like” button and the news feed (for instance, the user profile will automatically update the music track he/she is listening to).

Special Offer: Jim Stack had his subscribers in cash and hedged investments before the market crashed in 2008 and he got aggressive again just as the market bottomed. Click here for currently recommended “safety-first” investments in InvesTech Research.

This launch is also a sign of bigger things to come, and Facebook might not be stopping at just music for its content. In fact, it would not be a surprise if we soon see online video providers such as Netflix being roped in to provide video content for the company.  This also represents a competitive threat to Apple’s iTunes and even Sirius XM in mobile music listening.

See our full analysis for Facebook


  1. Mashable: Facebook To Launch Music Platform With Spotify, MOG & Rdio []

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Is FB getting too complicated for it's own good?

Posted via email from dannymaher's posterous

Monday 12 September 2011