Friday 10 September 2010

BBC News - Demolition for historic First White Cloth Hall in Leeds

10 September 2010 Last updated at 19:45

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Demolition for historic First White Cloth Hall in Leeds

First White Cloth Hall The cloth hall features on English Heritage's list of historical buildings which are at risk

Part of a historical Leeds property is being pulled down after problems were found in an adjoining building.

The Grade II-listed First White Cloth Hall in Kirkgate, which was built in 1711, is derelict and there are plans to rebuild it.

The city council said the neighbouring building was at risk of collapse and could pose a risk.

Materials gathered from the demolition will be stored and used to rebuild the cloth hall at a later date.

Kirkgate, one of the main routes through the city centre, has been closed for a week while the demolition - paid for by the neighbouring building's owner - takes place.

Closure 'unfortunate'

The council said: "This road closure will be in place for one week, allowing enough time for the building's frontage to be taken down, allowing machines to operate from the front of the building.

"Once the frontage has been taken down, the demolition and archaeological recording works will continue at the back of the building and the road can be re-opened."

Diversions have been put in place for motorists.

Councillor Richard Lewis, Leeds City Council's executive board member for development, said: "Kirkgate is obviously a busy city centre road and we do not take such decisions lightly.

"It's unfortunate that the closure has to take place, but it really is for the safety of the public and motorists."

The cloth hall features on English Heritage's "at risk" list of historical monuments needing urgent repairs.

It is to be rebuilt as part of a £1m makeover of Kirkgate, the oldest street in Leeds, funded by Heritage Lottery Fund cash.

Often had lunch a couple of doors higher in 1959!

Posted via email from dannymaher's posterous

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